
I don't read the script, the script reads me

We discovered what the Key of Solomon is for ... and that it's an orb with a lady in stasis in it. It's pretty out there. It can also be very useful. We were perhaps not in agreement with the Grey Seers and the other Cyber-knight about what to do with it.

To cut a long story short, Gorbash wrote and directed a play based (in the end) on Booker's plan, in which Gorbash would say "screw you guys, I'm going home! And I'm taking the Key (and my new girlfriend who coincidentally is also called Maria) with me!" in order to lure the Coalition States into Xiticix territory so we could sit back and wait for them to obliterate each other.

Plan went off without a hitch. Even Hecate got in on the action, vaporising a dude. Good times!

Courtesy of Monday 5 March 2018's Rifts roleplaying session.

“I’m a tin can bard. That’s my class.”

(after going to great lengths to deny being the party rogue)
“I can be the sneaky thief. OH GOD, I AM the rogue!”
“Did we just go full circle?”

GM: “We’ll assume she’s nude.”
Player: “Scantily clad. Standard 80s metal scantily clad.”

Booker: “Why is the woman a key?”
Jayson: “Why is the key a woman?”
NPC: “It doesn’t have to be a woman, but it currently is.”
Player: “Helpful.”

“So are we going to see dragon TARDISes anytime soon?”

“But I don’t want to use them, I want to kill them.”

GM: “The game master looks wisely upon you and nods.”
Player: “Thanks.”

Booker: “Do you have a better plan?”
Jayson: “I’m not the plan guy.”

Gorbash: “It adds to the power and disdain. – I’ll write it into the scene.”

Gorbash: “This is worthy of one of your greats. Shakespeare, Molotov, one of them.”

Gorbash: “Here’s your script.”
Jayson: “I don’t read the script, the script reads me.”

Booker: “Hold on, we’re going with MY plan?! I’d like to thank the Academy, my family, my guns …”

GM: “The game master doesn’t know what’s happening anymore.”

“And then everyone’s shocked and surprised at Booker’s betrayal.”
“Why would anyone be shocked by that?”

“Why do you have golden guns? It sounds very impractical.”
“So I can say I’m the man with the golden gun!”

“Dan, have you ever helped create the end of the world?”

“It WOULD be funny.”
“For Booker.”

To be continued! Also: Happy Mother's Day, Britonians!