
All in all you're just another dwarf in the door

Another dwarf lady showed up on our doorstep only to murder herself. This time Murmei was present and could do a live translation. Not that it really helped, because she was having a go at Valgai for not having left yet and reiterated that the old Symbaroum king is after him.

Meanwhile, the future Mrs Murmei has been found to potentially be an assassin. Her last two tutors have gone missing, never to be seen or heard from again. Her lovesick would-be future husband was undeterred - he just thought it made her sound really cool.

And that's when a couple of bodies were found in the street, and things took a turn from there. Especially as a third one was later found as well ...

Oh, what's a noble ball?

So Mother Dearest has arrived, and there's a ball to celebrate and everything. Two thirds of the party used said ball to scout from the rafters or from the floor, trying to find clues about the owl mask guy.

The remaining third was introduced to the two options of potential spouses. One was a merchant's daughter and thought adventuring was beneath a noble, plus she was terribly boring. The other was an alchemist and right up Murmei's alley, because she also didn't mind nobles adventuring.

Soooo ... end result: owl mask guy wasn't found, and Murmei's now head over heels in love with what is obviously Miss Trappy McTrapface. Fortunately the other two party members decided to be suspicious of Miss Too Glaringly Perfect, 21 and still unwed.

Heeeeeeeeere's MOMMY!

We had a look below the floor boards and found some interesting-looking items. They're a bit necromance-y but ... who cares? We almost forgot to check somewhere else, much to the GM's dismay. When we did find the thing, it turned out to be a hole in the floor. Below it was a magic circle made of mosaic, which might have been active for centuries.

And then the inevitable happened: Murmei's mother arrived in town, and she was NOT happy. Why had her son not advanced? Why had he not had a bath? Which of the two girls she'd brought with her will be the next Mrs Vesuvion? Find out on the next The Ambrian Bachelor.

You can't have Hugh Jackman as a familiar

We decided to go all SWAT team on the cultists. There was a mage abomination and a vindictive demon. Those things are no more, because we're pretty good fighters, actually.