
Why are we in a field and who are you?

Filler post, so here's where the Victoriana adventure begins!

Three people wake up in a field on a fine English summer day. The first one to wake up (Cid) is dressed, but the second (Bob Afette) isn't - he's stark naked. The third is Baldrick Unlike. Neither of them know any of this, because they're all suffering from amnesia.

Cid turns out to be wearing Bob's clothes. Following a smoke plume a bit further away they discover an airship crash site and a dead parrot. They decide this is where they came from, and finding some fetching clothes Cid changes into these - ladies' clothes, for some hitherto unknown reason - and Bob gets his clothes back.

But where are they? WHO are they? And what the hell happened?

Courtesy of 7 August 2012's 2nd Edition Victoriana adventure at Chimera.


“I think I’ll stick to the cookies. Or are they biscuits?”
“Nah, they’re shortbread.”

“This won’t take long. I’m just gonna write some figures in and hope they’re right.”

“Uh-oh. Bad idea.”
“Did you just rub wasabi powder in your eyes?”
“Yes. Yes, I did.”

“French surrender-monkey!”
“Yeah, but I never use that name.”

“Now it doesn’t look black.”
“Aaaw. You know me so well.”

Player 1: “I broke the pencil.”
Player 2: “I’ve got a clicky one you can use.”
Player 3: “Don’t give it to him, he’ll break it!”

“Funny thing is, if it was L5R, breaking the pencil would have been too much Honour loss for you. You now need to commit seppuku.”

“There’s a minor taste of SOMETHING, but I’m mainly getting heavy overtones of wood.”

“For no reason, she just toppled off her chair.”
“They were shaking spiders at me!”

“My name is Cedric Ignatius Dashwood. Known as Cid.”
“That’s a bit of a mouthful, isn’t it?”
“Yes. Yes, it is.”

“How old are you?”

Player: “I’m gonna blag some of this.”
GM: “I’m gonna blag all of it, so that’s all right.”

Player: “What is the last thing I remember before falling unconscious? Or do I have amnesia?”
GM: “Yes you do!”

“You don’t know it yet but we’re playing Victoriana: Memento Edition.”

Player: “I know my own name, right?”
GM: “Not at the moment.”

“I am somebody! I exist!”
“Are you a philosopher?”

“Why are we in a field and who are you?”

“Well, gentlemen, I assume it’s some kind of group amnesia and we’ve all been hit on the head with something rather large.”

“He’s a philosopher, I’m Sir and you’re now Snorey.”
“I was? I don’t snore.”
“Yeah, you did.”

GM: “You’re wearing your own clothes, because no one wants your clothes.”
Unlike: “Plus they’re defended by many lice.”

“We might as well be heading in that direction.”
“Toward the fire? When is that ever a sensible suggestion?”

“Why am I scouting?”
“Because you look like an observant fellow.”

“Yes, Mr Naked Man, sir! See? Little bit of niceness, ain’t nobody gettin’ stabbed.”

“A wild apple tree appears. Do you … deploy Pokémon?”

“Are you attempting to make yourself a costume from leaves? Because I think that might be a little unpractical.”

“Take my socks off. They are hard. Crusty.”
“You now have syphilis of the feet.”

“Even though you’re the fellow without the clothes, I still think your survival instinct is better than his.”

“Why would you sleep naked?! That’s a crazy idea!”

“I hate to say this, sirs, but I think maybe … we may be perverts.”

“We’re not perverts, because when you said that, it made me feel a little bit sick again.”
“I feel sick right now for a variety of reasons.”

“Don’t finish that thought, it’s against God.”

“I am reconnoitring the apples!”

“Three ones and a six. This is much better than Shadowrun.”

GM: “You find a pair of boots. You find a dress.”
Player: “With four successes?”
GM: “Mhm. And a bonnet.”

Unlike: “Oh, that is not good. Because you see, if there is a dress and a bonnet, what that leads me to detect, or even say, is that there is in fact a member of the gentle species either aflame somewhere in the local vicinity or naked and about.”

To be continued!