
How was stuff safer in Davokar?

We're back in Thistlehold. Elindra went to speak with the guards, who weren't happy about her admitting to having murdered some people that were up to no good. They said she should wait for a ritual to finish, and stay hidden until that was done, so she headed over to the Ordo Magica, who it was safe to presume had a protective circle she could sit in for a bit.

Murmei was summoned to Ordo Magica because rumours were abound about him having fraternised with elves. He disagreed. Being very nearly murdered by elves was not exactly cavorting with them, so there. He later went back to ask them to fund the expedition into Davokar. It ... didn't go as planned. First, they had the audacity to say he had to wait until his mother had got to Thistlehold, and then that he had to spend two weeks with her. Pointing out that actually, time is of the essence because people are trying to kill him made them insist that he move to Ordo Magica HQ where a room would be prepared to keep him safe. In return, he'd only have to spend a week with his mother ... and a proposed future wife.

Valgai ... abides. He's getting himself some upgraded armour and a nice cup of tea with Elvis. On the plus side, he has now been given Master Vernam's house, because he's a noble that doesn't have lands of his own, and someone needs to look after the house now that Murmei's effectively in wizarding protective custody for the next three weeks.

The funniest thing of all is that the GM thought we'd be on the road by the end of the session!

Killing blows do matter

The B team went to find Tanith, the Child of Baal we've befriended, to warn him that ascending to godhood would mean someone else would piggyback on the divine power-giving and things would go very badly indeed.

Found the guy up an elvish mountain. He did ascend, in the end, after we fought off some dracoliches and such.

Packed with potions of greater invisibility and clarity (... this will make one of the quotes below make more sense) we took the air ship to the floating "island" in the sky aaaaaand CUT to the A team! Who finally made it back to Faerûn! But it's now three weeks later, and Things Are Seriously Wrong.

We could only get a faint sense of our higher-up gods, not of the B team - except for Aumen, who we found severely (and I mean SEVERELY) injured in the catacombs below. The sky island thing was a trap, and quite possibly our friends/minions are dead and we're all going to hell in a handbasket.

And this is the last session for this part of the adventure!

The GM is God

Last session ended on a cliffhanger, with a bunch of Netheril showing up at our new digs in Saerloon asking for their tithe. We said, not verbatim, "u wot, mate?" and declared our spa church an independent enclave. They responded by fencing us in and telling us we could jolly well stay there, then.

Gond didn't respond well to this, went on a bit of a murder spree and destroyed the portal. He, with some backup, went to destroy another couple of portals, because screw those guys.

The B team reunited with Varion, who seemed ill. Turned out he was covered in various runes, which he couldn't see (the rest of us could), and that were draining him of divine energy. Red wizard shenanigans! We have now thought of a reason why he'd be doing that kind of thing - maybe it's all a ploy to become divine? - and also have a good idea of the identity of said red wizard. He might also be hanging out in some kind of ship about a mile off the ground ... now, where have we heard about THAT before?