
Welcome to Saerloon, home of ... stuff

The B team went to the city of Saerloon to investigate. Alwin managed to do a "Diagonally" instead of "Diagon Alley" on the way travelling through some sort of fire-to-fire transportation system and had a bit further to walk to catch up.

In the city, fighting ensued, because of course it did. We won, because we have plot armour. Or happened to be lucky. One of those.

(I may have forgotten to post stuff here for a bit.)

Courtesy of Monday 29 April 2019's Godbound session.

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“Religion is a terrible thing.”
“Says we, in a game all about religion.”

Falrin: “This is like being a paladin again.”
Alwin: “But that’s the best life.”

Player: “So I need to roll above 3?”
GM: “Yes.”
Player: (rolls a 2)

“Who goes in first?”
“I don’t think we need a Party Death Order.”
“I think we do.”

“We’re stroking each other.”

“Denethor will be inventing fusion blocks later in the campaign.”

GM: “Grim! I’ve written it down: grim! As a GM, I’m grimmed!”

“Ah, what’s life without a bit of poison?”

To be continued!