
I feel like we've just met a vegan elf

Ah, I was wrong. This is actually where we tried to get the big ox god’s head up the big hole in the ground. The god is dying and the head needs to get back to where it was taken from. We finally put it on a cart and dragged out of the city.

We get rides from barbarians with ginormous creatures. Two hours later we get to a clearing with a big ox corpse in the presence of elves, and save the god.

The next morning, Elsiosi barges into Murmei’s bedroom. He tells her off. Valgai throws her out (for barging in like that), then invites her back in when she's suitably apologised. She comes bearing a letter from Mother, summoning Murmei to Ravenia. Elsiosi also wants to give Murmei tea to cure the abomination problem that he doesn’t actually have - he's just wearing a belt.

Valgai announces he's planning on retiring and heading back across the mountains. The rest of us convince him to maybe come with us first to Ravenia so Murmei and Deadorna can tell Mother to shove it.

Courtesy of Wednesday 21+28 April 2021's Symbaroum session.

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“Moooving the head. - Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”
“Next time, try harder!”

Elindra: “We should teach Murmei Beast Tongue, then he really CAN speak to everyone!”
Deadorna: “The animals can hardly fucking wait.”

“Ohh, are you being stoic about it?”
“No, I’m being -4 Strength about it.”

“I feel like we’ve just met a vegan elf.”

“Every life might be sacred, but some need ending anyway?”

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever said to myself.”

Deadorna (to Murmei): “You can be defiant too.”
GM: “Remember the time you threw a spoon on the floor and didn’t pick it up?”

“Sorry not sorry!”
“Yeah, the ‘not sorry’ came across in the maniacal giggling.”

Elsiosi: “You DO look a bit like your brother, you know that?”
Deadorna: “No one’s perfect.”

Valgai: “Every time I brought you back, I got 5 thaler.”
Deadorna: “5 thaler?! That’s all I’m worth?!”

Elindra: “Well, you both look alike and Murmei can’t lie for shit.”

GM: “Ohh, what’s her name?”
Player: “It’s Mrs Valgai!”

“Just because you’re confident doesn’t mean you’re right!”

To be continued!