
Make Gond Great Again

Our main characters had a look in the angels' armoury, where Elani found a foresty-looking crown behind a hidden wall. She decided to take it with her, as it basically looked like it was made for her. It turned out to be an artefact called the Fey Crown, which changes its main Word and therefore powers depending on the season - or surroundings. Denethor would LOVE to find out how to make one, but it's currently wayyyyy beyond his pay grade.

Our secondary characters were on the road to Yhaunn, where they got stopped by a toll road. There was some kerfuffle happening (we may or may not have had something to do with causing it), and made their way to the town and up to a church that seemed to emanate the whole weirdness bit. Oh, and we spoke to red-haired lady who said she wasn't the bad guy we thought she was, and actually, we sort of have common goals. We find that rather suspicious, as it happens ... especially as the GM made us note down how many times we've failde Spirit saves while in Sembia ...

Courtesy of Monday 11 February 2019's Godbound session.

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Player 1: “I think that die is a bit ...”
Player 2: “Overkill?”
Player 3: “Yes, you could overkill someone with it.”

“If diplomacy fails, there is always violence.”
“Violence is a form of diplomacy, surely.”

“I never knew Night was a season.”

Denethor: “It’s a very pernickety item. I wouldn’t build anything THAT pernickety.”

Denethor: “So gods have to consume to survive? That’s bad manufacture.”

“Yeenogh is the one with the PowerPoint presentation.”

“You’ve seen the airship.”
“It’s hard to miss the airship.”

“The D&D Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide is like the CIA Fact Book, but different.”

“Falrin is very much holding in his aura.”
“Alwin is trying to hold in his breakfast.”

Player (unimpressed): “I can technically do that too as Denethor. Show-off. I have an airship.”

“Let me guess: ‘Make Gond Great Again’?”

“We’re not monsters.”
“Speak for yourself!”

To be continued!