
He only has 4 HP?!

Huzzah! We're back in Faerûn with ... not our demigods, or whatever, but rather with their trusty sidekicks who were back in Tilverton when all of a sudden there's a disturbance in the Force (or whatever).

So, there's Alwin the Paladin, Falrin the Paladin, and Viconia the Drow. They lost connection to their respective superiors. They then decided to go to Scardale through some kind of portal, but while they were going through the portal tunnel thingamabob Varion, who was holding it open for us to pass through, was divebombed by some kind of playful dragon type creature and we arrived there not in the middle of the day, as we were planning on, but time went askew and we plopped out in the middle of the night, in the middle of a battle with monsters.

Because these characters are more than mere mortals now, they dispatched the creatures, and it was discovered that they had been sent to take a shield. We tracked a flame-haired woman who disappeared with the shield.


Our actual Godbound characters woke up in the Night Roads, which is where they've been since the last cliffhanger back in July last year. They met Yeenogh, who is another god type thing, who said that things were NOT as they seem. Not at ALL, in fact, and if there's a way out of this place then it would be very good indeed for us to get there. DUN-DUN-DUUUUN!

Oh yeah, and our Words aren't working, so we have no godly powers anymore and we're basically stuck somewhere in limbo. This is going to be fun.

Courtesy of Monday 28 January 2019's Godbound session.

Godbound logo

Player: “You won’t be doing that again in a hurry.”
GM: “You need to SURVIVE long enough first to do it again.”

“Admit it, you just like guys with big swords.”
“Well, yes. Who wouldn’t? – RIGHTEOUS guys with big swords, mind.”

“Was he always that bright?”
“I dunno, he always struck me as kind of a dimwit.”

Viconia: “There seems to be some kind of animosity between Elani and Varion, but I don’t know why. He seems a perfectly decent fellow.”
Viconia & Elani’s player: “You better change Viconia’s point of view quickly, or this will be really difficult for me!”

“You put flags on it, that’s how you celebrate.”
“And also invade.”

“Denethor has been inside there. Denethor has SEEN things. Things he doesn’t necessarily discuss with Elani, to avoid feeding her prejudices.”
“They’re not prejudices if they’re true!”

“It has stats, it can be killed. Remember that.”
“It also means it can kill.”

“No smoke from a town? That’s highly suspicious.”
“That means it hasn’t been attacked yet.”

“I have to tell you Viconia doesn’t go ‘raargh!’, she’s very majestic.”

“He only has 4 HP?!”
“We used to be shit adventurers, and this was our party.”

Yeenogh: “The equivalent would be you trying to take down a dragon … now.”
Elani: “Doable.”

To be continued!