
We built this weapon for rock 'n' roll!

After playing with a plant, growing it to gignatic proportions and hatching one of Auriga's protectors from it, we took Denethor's Floating Wagon to a hole in the ground. A big, big hole in the ground full of necrophages, eww. Down there we found a thoon hulk, some spider type creatures and a throne.

Battle ensued.

We were looking rather out-gunned, then Auriga's moth creature crawled under the throne platform, and it eventually cracked, and there was a big ass Rotten Court general hiding there. Which we, by the skin of our teeth, managed to somehow down.

And then we got pelted by dropping dead necrophages and got the hell out of there.

Courtesy of Monday 18 March 2019's Godbound session.

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“Surströmming is an acquired taste, but once you’ve acquired it ...”

Elani: “I’m having fun with dragons. Not copulating fun. Mundane fun.”

Elani: “Are you re-animating corpses?”
NPC: “No?”
Elani: “Already an improvement.”

Denethor: “Not all necromancy is evil, you just said so yourself.”
Elani: (glare)

In response to “I’ll kill you last”:
“I’m getting last on everyone’s list! Well, it’s a way to survive.”

GM: “He’s not rolling straight.”
Player 1: “Aww.”
Player 2: “Can you engineer it to roll straight?”

GM: “Desire is not Charm Person on acid.”
Player: “But it SHOULD be!”

GM: “Need to read to see how you’re breaking my brain.”

Denethor: “Yeenogh’s got a weapon. I built it for him!”

“I’ll do a kind of Miami Vice move.”
“Roll your sleeves up? Grow stubble? Shoulder pads?”
“How did you know my new outfit?”

“We like it when it struggles, but I don’t think it’s struggling enough.”

“Umberlee was better at hitting as a villain than an ally!”

GM: “I worked very hard to get to ‘killing you’ stage!”

To be continued!