
My Jetpack skill is called Gorbash

Once inside the bridge (or one of the bridges, at any rate) of the flying fortress thing - not to be confused with the Boeing B-17 bomber, which is considerably smaller - we had to set the charges ... or rather, we had to work on opening the doors, setting the fuse (or whatever), chucking the bombs and getting the hell out of there.

We had seven tries before they'd blow up in our face. We got the door open on the sixth.

After that we just had to try and find our way to the outside, somehow, and then literally jump ship. Thankfully we're friends with a dragon, so some thrilling aerobatics later and we were safely on the ground, having severely incapacitated a big-ass flying fortress. With the cunning use of a vengeful dragon and some dragon friends and an air elemental. We have the best of friends, clearly!

Courtesy of Wednesday 11 December 2019's Rifts roleplaying session.

GM: “I hate this book sometimes.”
Player: “It’s a Coalition States book, hate it ALL the time.”

Player: “The longer I’m on board, the more stuff I’ll break.”
GM: “You can only break stuff while you’re alive.”

Player: “Juicers are cheats!”
GM: “Yes, they are. They take drugs.”
Player: “And get banned from the Olympics! Like Russia.”

“She’s Obi-Wan to your Qui-Gon Jinn. – I can’t believe I just quoted Episode I.”

(to GM) “You can kill us now, I’ve had to quote Episode I.”

Player 1 (to die): “Why are you rolling so low?!”
Player 2: “You’re not used to parrying for someone else.”
GM: “It thinks you’re still playing Symbaroum.”
Player 1: “But these aren’t my Symbaroum dice.”

“What’s my Jetpack skill at? – GORBASH!!!”

Booker: “I have 24 different kinds of contracts defining favours!”

Booker (to dragon): “You’re older than Gorbash.”
Gorbash: “Technically YOU’RE older than me.”

Gorbash: “I’m second in command of the Blackstone Juggernauts. That’s how it works in your world.”
Booker: “Only if you’re alive. Stop going on suicide missions.”

“ALL adult dragons are the best dragons there is.”

GM: (shows a picture of the Cyber-knight boss from the book)
Jayson: “I’m better-looking.”

To be continued! Merry Yuletidemas!