
Just like the French

It has been a while since we did this (don't believe the posting date, it's a month later) and my notes are a bit scant, so it's anyone's guess what we did at this point.

Something about an adult dragon being a dick, teleporting 5m up into the air, almost forgetting Booker, Jayson on the ground, and "Shemarrians here?!"

For the second session, we went to Roswell and looked at Naruni weapons and the Coalition States came to blows with the Shemarrians and Splugorth.

Courtesy of Monday 13 January 2020's Rifts roleplaying session.

“Enhancements, you say? This sounds like me.”

Gorbash: “Instead you treat me with disdain!”
Dragon: “As is your place.”
Player: “Them’s fighting words.”

“I get to kill a dragon! Well, I get to TRY to kill a dragon.”

“I prepare my gun in case it’s murdering time.”

GM: “I need a d4.”
Player: “Where are you dice?!”
GM: “They’re in the bag. I’m too lazy to take them out.”

“What are you doing, you horrible person?”

GM: “He speaks and understands Human, but he’s talking Dragonese.”
Player: “Just like the French.”

Wednesday 15 January 2020:

“I LIKE soggy biscuits.”
“Did you go to private school?”
“Yes. – No, I didn’t, actually.”

“He now has even more enhancements.”
“And finishes the occasional sentence with ‘bzzz’.”

Player: “If you were psychic, this would be a really good way of hunting them.”
GM (sarcastically): “REALLY?”

Booker: “If we get separated, how will you find me?”
Gorbash: “With difficulty!”

“There’s no way I’m doing an Object Read on that rifle!”

“Zero zero … that’s the wrong kind of zero.”

“We stealthed our way through this and still got people killed.”

“Join me on this, Gorbash. Join me on the silver lining crew.”

GM: “It’s almost as if they think they have something important in Lone Star.”
Gorbash: “They did. We rescued him.”
Everyone: “Aww!”

To be continued!