
We all live in a city submarine

Well, there we are, going about our day, levelling up, and sending off our Purple Knight buddy Alwyn to Suzail in Cormyr. He sent a panicked message back, Varion opened a portal to Suzail and lots and lots of water came rushing through. I believe the phrase was "you were supposed to open a portal to the harbour - not INTO the harbour itself!"

Turned out someone had put like a big invisible box around the whole city, and the surrounding area, and dumped a lot of water into it. The city was quite ruined by this.

Denethor rescued survivors by putting them on board our big airship, and Elani turned people into dolphins to get people there. Gunda, who doesn't need to breathe and can't feel cold, went for an underwater stroll instead. Underwater was a big dome, held in place by a wizard. There were lots of people inside.

Elani started turning people into winter wolves to stop them from contracting hypothermia while Gunda went to town on cracking the invisible box and let the water back into the bay. Sadly, the person we were looking for was found dead in the palace vault. OR WAS HE? And who was the fish woman some actual fish mentioned? And who was the figure on the boat in the bay that caused the big box?

On a side note: Elani's player has gathered notes on characters and Elani's thoughts on them, and for Varion, the note was "icky, slimy wizard, up to no good", because she doesn't like or trust him. Plus a general dislike to wizards in general.

Courtesy of Monday 18 June 2018's Godbound session.

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Gunda: “What about War?”
GM: “I thought you might say that.”
Player 1: “But the question is: what is it good for?”
Player 2: “Absolutely nothing.”

GM: “He’s doing his duty.”
Player 1: “Hehe. He said doody.”
Player 2: “That’s where my mind went too, but my mouth didn’t.”

Elani: “If you took Sorcery you’d have to have ‘icky, slimy wizard’ after your name.”

Netheril NPC: “And then you created a floating warship.”
Denethor: “And? I’ve always wanted one.”

Elani: “The animals will have to wait until I have the Fertility word. Then I’ll have them all pregnant in no time!”

“Arrogant McArrogantface. He’s Scottish. On the undead side. – I have no idea how Netheril breed.”

“We know we would win if it was a trade war.”
“We know we would win if it WASN’T a trade war.”

Varion: “I’m not a weather wizard! Well, I COULD be, if I wanted to.”

(After being told to roll for both kinds of paladins, Gunda’s rolled 5, Tempus’s rolled 16, and at first this seemed a bad thing, but once the GM started describing the details …)
Gunda: “I’ve rolled correctly. Obi-me has taught them well!”

Gunda: “I’m with you, my child. Die in peace. Or pieces, depending.”

Elani: “I have a question for you, Mr Know-it-all.”
Denethor: “I’m not a know-it-all, I just …”
Elani: “Know it all?”

“What’s that, Timmy? Skippy’s fallen down a well?”

GM: “Much of the city is in ruins.”
Player: “REALLY?”

“Talk to the hand, ‘cause the god ain’t listening.”

Denethor: “He’s not a master forger, he’s just a … forger…er.”

To be continued!