
Can I have your autograph?

Elindra went around town doing some investigations and interrogations. This led to CLUES! There was also a guy who looked very quest-givery, so we ended up heading off into the wild in order to find Lady Elsana a.k.a. the Night Lady in order to bring her back to the capital for lots and lots of money.

We bypassed a troll cave and ended up in a secluded village in a sort of basin type thing. It was a bit Maze Runner-y. She agreed to come with us, even after Murmei asked her to autograph one of his books ...

Courtesy of Monday 17 September 2018's Symbaroum session.

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“That would put me at the same competence level as Murmei.”
“Are you sure you want to use the phrase ‘competence level’?”

“Oh my god, I got scammed by Gibraltar!”

Elindra: “I’m not a thief, I’m an assassin! I just need supplies.”

Player 1: “Bartalom was the talkative one of the group and you had him killed!”
GM: “I’m gonna have to eat that one, aren’t I?”
Player 2: “You didn’t HAVE to kill him, man!”
GM: “I thought it’d be more fun that way.”

Valgai (to NPC): “How can we help you this fine day?”
Player: “He has a side quest for us!”
GM: “Actually, he has a main quest for you guys.”

GM: “He looks around nervously. – Roll Vigilant.”
Murmei (passes roll): “You look SHIFTY!”

Elindra: “You’re an educated man. Do you understand how all of this is supposed to work?”
Murmei: “No.”

“One person’s witch is another person’s high priestess.”

Elindra: “The instructions say not to look into her eyes!”
Murmei: “Maybe she has really pretty eyes and you’ll fall in love with her and not do your job?”

“What do the Order of the Executioner do?”
“Execute people?”

“Thank you! (kisses die) You know when to shine.”

Valgai: “Describe Orun.”
NPC: “He looks like … something, something, something …”

GM: “If you go somewhere as a group the person with the least Discreet does the roll.”
Elindra: “Let’s not sneak up as a group ever.”

“Fuck the twin attack, this is just a backstabbing mallet!”

“Why did you have a problem with this plan before?”

Murmei: “My plan is to keep quiet and not say anything.”
Elindra: “That’s a GOOD plan.”

GM: “An old, fragile woman walks out of the tent.”
Elindra: “What’s her Quickness?”

To be continued!