
This looks like a job for fusion blocks!

Sooo ... Gorbash went and had a chat with one of his dragon friends, and now we're apparently supposed to go on some kind of suicide mission because attacking a flying fortress - the Death Star, basically - is somehow a reasonable thing to do???

Courtesy of Monday 2 December 2019's Rifts roleplaying session.

“Everything’s Trump’s fault.”
“You have played the Trump card.”

GM: “I didn’t tell you this yet, but …”
Player: “A retcon?”

GM: “You murdered my NPCs.”
Player: “They were trying to kill me!”

“I killed some Mystic Knights by principle, but I can’t remember what the principle was, but it was valid.”

Gorbash: “He’s a dragon, he doesn’t count.”
Player: “Racist! What would your father think?”
GM: “That he isn’t racist enough.”

“What was that for?”
“I don’t know! I’ve noted it down, though!”

Gorbash: “You’re banned from buying fusion blocks.”
Booker: “So are YOU!”
Gorbash: “I can change form.”

Player 1: “Rifts Canada, eh? What’s that aboot?”
GM: (starts giving an actual overview)
Player 1 (to P2): “... I think he completely missed the joke.”
Player 2: “He really did.”
GM: “What? What did I miss?”

GM: “He might have the most attacks I’ve seen!”
Player: “Having nine heads kinda helps with that.”

(seeing the possibilities of taking control of the flying fortress)
Player 1: “Mobile Juggernauts!”
Player 2: “Blackstone One!”
GM: “Did you not even REMOTELY listen when I read the list of troops on board?!”

“The emperor must be old and decrepit.”
“This isn’t 40k.”

Booker: “I’m gonna need more guns. I need a book of guns.”

“There are never enough weapons for a man that needs more guns.”

Booker (to Gorbash): “You’ll let Jayson ride you, but not other Cyber-knights?”
Jayson: “Giggity.”
Booker: “Hey, you went there, I didn’t.”

Booker: “Where did you take them?”
Gorbash: “Home.”
Booker: “I’m sorry, what? You brought 200 psychic cat lizards who can raise the dead to the Blackstone Juggernauts HQ?”
Gorbash: “I asked dad first.”

“Either way, I guess we’re all dying next session.”

To be continued!