Speaking of Gorbash, he thinks the Cyber-knights should set up a council or something to police their knights and such to ensure that they don't go rogue (like that Josh guy), because Cyber-knights are supposed to be the pinnacle of something or other. Though Jayson explained that there are sometimes people like Josh who are the exceptions to confirm the rules, Cyber-knights are not 100% infallible, because they're still human.
Courtesy of Monday 12 September 2016's Rifts roleplaying session at Odin's Table.
“Did I get to talk to the necromancer, or did you murder him?”
“I haven’t killed any humans in this campaign.”
GM: “Browncoats? Let’s not call the baddies Browncoats. Brown robes.”
“…Which these two muppets – it’s a word I picked up recently in Magestar.”
“I’m pulling out ten d6 for no reason.”
Booker: “Don’t get me wrong, Barry’s uncomfortable to sleep with …”
Booker: “I’ve tried very hard not to kill every single person I’ve come across. Apart from that Kizard, I’ve done really well.”
GM: “How does Booker feel about this? The GM needs to know.”
Booker: “I have a fairly large bounty on my head.”
Player: “All I can think of now is picturing you with a big chocolate bar on your head.”
Shemarrian: “Does the worthless male still need our protection?”
Player (to Booker): “One minute you’re the Chosen One, next you’re a worthless male.”
“Gorbash’s new name is Gestapo.”
“I only wanted to open communications with symbiotes and such – he wants to kill the Jews.”
“Apparently I’m going to Tolkeen. I don’t know why, I just have a feeling that’s where I’m heading.”
To be continued!