
I'm not foreshadowing or anything

Having defeated the group of spider creatures, we had eventually made it to the bottom of the stairs and found the other troll we were looking for, along with six trolls in a singing circle. That was the end of the last session.

In this session, we took on a couple of Spites - the creature that stung the trolls and infected them with murdery larvae! We also had to deal with the trolls, but the ones that were too far gone, we murderised and the ones that could be saved were knocked out and saved.

We realised that the Spites were coming out of a hole in the ground, and plugged it to stop further attacks. As a reward we were given the title "Defenders of Erdugald" and given a blue gem that will glow when Erdugal is threatened, which means we're supposed to come running to help save it again.

Oh, and it turns out that the Old Prios symbol Valgai's carrying is actually a spider symbol of some kind. THE PLOT THICKENS. Except not right now, because this is our last Symbaroum session for a bit. We're doing a few boardgaming sessions and then it's off back to either Godbound or Rifts, but we'll be back in Davokar eventually.

Courtesy of Wednesday 23 October 2019's Symbaroum session.

Symbaroum logo

“Careful, it’s hot.”
“Yes, I thought I’d test burning myself by eating too quickly. I was successful.”

“Alright, we’ll go with your plan, GORBASH. I’m not foreshadowing or anything.”
“Says the one who wanted to use fusion blocks a second ago! ‘Fire bombs’.”

“I really hope it works, it’s the only good plan we have.”

“You hear that, Bale Dice? If I have to burn things on this, we’re going to have a problem.”

GM: “What did you roll? I took my glasses off, so now is the time to cheat, I guess.”

(to d20) “You better not fucking roll a high number!”

“You’re being very naughty! I’m trying to GAIN XP, not spend it on re-rolls!”

Player 1: “You could change the die.”
Player 2: “But that’s not going to change anything.”
Player 1+3: “It MIGHT!”

“Are you Hulking, are you Thoring or are you Captain America-ing? Those are you options.”
“No, I’m Black Widowing. She’s the assassin.”

“Where are my metal d4s? Oh, they’re in my hand.”

“The belt makes you blind.”
“Only when you tie it over your eyes.”

GM: “I’m not really sure it was worth the XP.”
Player: “You say that NOW?!”
GM: “Well, I couldn’t rightly tell you beforehand …”

GM: “They’re called Spites, they’re fairly rare.”
Player: “Except not here.”

“Danger zone for Davokar is usually the whole of Davokar.”

“So it’s an Abomination nuke.”
“And you said there were no fusion blocks in this game!”

Murmei: “Am I turning into a Bard?”

To be continued!