
Can I get Willpower for that?

Last time ended on a cliffhanger - things had just turned frosty between Frankie and the boxing promoter, because someone failed his Intimidation roll. (He succeeded on the first one. It was very satisfying.) Turned out that the eight weirdos around the corners of the boxing ring were staring around the room in sequence. Once the situation was defused (because Frankie thought it best not to start a fight in a room full of mindwhammied people when he's in the presence of his big brother and a number of other humans), four of them walked away.

Lottie is a much better negotiator, and got a much better deal. She should go back to the boxing promoter and re-negotiate the percentage. Ellie said she'd find Valenti for us, seeing as how her childe apparently knew where he was. After leaving Ellie's she went to see a production of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, or at least a part of it, in order to negotiate a new deal at the theatre. This was also successful, because she's the negotiator of the two!!!

Lottie then bumped into Theo Bell and offered her services in the mood changing department (to help him become the next Brujah Primogen) and asked him to please maybe keep an eye on her cousin, seeing as how Frankie's sire has been shit. Theo did this by essentially hijacking the taxi Frankie was in to get out of Harlem. Frankie, bless him, went "this is basically my boss, I should tell him what I know if asked" and told him about both the werewolves and Ecaterina at the steelworks incident in Gowanus. This apparently spooks Theo, who says Elysium is likely to be called the next night.

Courtesy of Saturday 10 October 2020's Vampire: The Masquerade session.

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“Lottie’s nice when she’s not killing people.”

“We were gonna say ‘ladies first’.”
“Can I get Willpower for that?”

Player: “You’re using all the dice rolls I’m gonna need later!”
GM: “What, all the botches?”

GM: “Note to self: make sure Julius succeeds his Smooth Motherfucker roll.”

Player: “It’s almost like I built my character to be good at this.”
GM: “Have less Empathy, damn it!”

“Elysium is coming.”
“That sounds like a threat.”
“It is for everyone attending.”

“He was trying to schmooze her, then insulted her. He really only has two gears, bless him.”

“He’s basically only ‘fuck me’ or ‘fuck you’.”

“There’s Brooklyn and then there’s Brooklyn, ya know what I’m sayin’?”
“And both are DELIGHTFUL!”

GM: “Suffice it to say Julius doesn’t have time-travelling demon-summoning powers.”

To be continued!