
It's nice to have unlife goals

Lottie ends up near the Washington Heights library. It seems Lladislav the Tzimisce's return is welcomed. It's rather touching. While having a sniff around the place, she also discovers some Jewish gangsters who seem to be involved in this, and a Setite is following her? (Is Ellie more concerned about her than the Prince?) She then overhears Turlev and Blaise telling off Lladislav for having "undone decades of work" with his stunt in Harlem. He really can't be around when Ecaterina gets back - unless he, too, would like to become a head shorter.

Meanwhile in Harlem, Val's car screeches to a halt in front of Frankie. Julius is also in the car, badly injured. They speed north to find Lottie, but Julius sends Val off to the Bronx while he and Frankie jump out of the car and run on foot to get to a safehouse near Columbia University. He makes some decoys and sends them off in a different direction.

Lottie does a number of impressive jumps between moving cars to avoid getting followed to get to the second nearest safehouse - incidentally the same one Frankie is carrying Julius to. Finally the two player characters are in the same building again!

Courtesy of Saturday 26 June 2021's Vampire: The Masquerade session.

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“Yeah, but I can relate to having to go to the toilet! I can’t relate to needing to suck someone’s blood in case you get in a fight later.”

“Well, it’s nice to have unlife goals.”

“If you wanted to have spent XP you shouldn’t have wittered for half an hour.”

“How many rolls tonight are NOT going be Perception?”

“Why would you not send a Nos to tail the Malkavian Primogen’s Childe when you send her on a suicide mission?”

Player: “Werewolves aren’t her biggest problem right now.”
GM: “That’s saying something for a vampire.”

GM: “Please excuse my French accent.”
Player: “No, no, no, that’s fine. I’m expecting something worthy of ‘Allo ‘Allo!”

GM: “I have FINALLY managed to get my two player characters in the same location.”

AltLottie: “I got good blood and a good teacher.”

“He wasn’t going to use her as a snack.”
“Even though she a SNACC!”

To be continued!