
Party signature move: shooting corners off buildings

In this episode we mostly fought battles. Then there was a wizard that Gorbash trapped inside a building by shooting off a corner of it, echoing the beginning of us playing Rifts, when the party berated Booker for doing a similar thing - how times have changed!

The wizard went invisible and Gorbash pretended not to see him, hence toying with him.

We're getting close to the Cult of Nxla now. Unless we do what we normally do and drag it out a number of sessions ...

Courtesy of Monday 19 March 2018's Rifts roleplaying session.

“Go knife them or something.”

Player: “18 enemies? That’s a bit more than normal.”
GM: “Yes.”

GM (rolling initiative): “I’m rolling very well.”
Player: “Stop it.”

GM: “I’ve not used Speed of the Snail. Is it one of those hidden gems?”
Player: “It’s useful.”

“I’m not evil, but I AM supernatural.”
“I have a blue aura, not a red aura.”

“No, it’s about 20 past.”

“The guy can’t see me if I blow up the entire building.”

Gorbash: “I shoot the corner off that building.”
Player: “How like Booker!”

GM: “People like to build MDC bunkers where there are nexus points. Don’t know why.”

GM: “You recognise the spell he’s trying to use.”
Player 1: “Is it Suicide Bomb?”
GM: “No.”
Player 2: “Is it the get-the-fuck-out-of-here spell?”

GM: “… And a blurry picture of the Cyber-knight. You can hardly make out the details.”
Jayson: “Aww, but I’m so photogenic.”

Gorbash: “Does this class as playing with your food?”

Booker: “I haven’t used the plasma grenades since the Isis incident. Let me have a little fun.”

GM: “Maria will use her moral compass.”
Player: “She has morals?!”

GM: “You just took 20 people off the map. Did you guys realise that?”

To be continued!