If you've wondered why the blog's been quiet for a while, it's because we had no sessions for a month, due to people being unavailable for a variety of reasons. We're back now, though, so here's the last bit of Rifts for [insert time period here].
Courtesy of Monday 16 April 2018's Rifts roleplaying session.
Player: “Let’s continue the mass slaughter of this woman.”
GM: “I think she’s alive, though?”
Player: “Gimme a minute.”
Player: “Those sausages contain NO salt.”
GM: “Regain 1 HP!”
GM: “How do you want to kill her?”
Player: “Majestically.”
Player 1: “Small fire.”
Player 2: (sneezes)
Player 1: “Like that! Sneezing fire!”
GM (giggling): “You’re talking to a level six guy. I think you’re expecting too much of him.”
“I’m not saying fusion blocks are a weapon, but you could open a portal and drop some fusion blocks through.”
“There are no innocents, only victims.”
Next time we're switching back to Godbound. See you then!