
I need more than a Venn diagram

Gorbash went to speak to Ixchal, and managed to encounter an adult evil dragon calling himself Roka. He was clearly looking for something, such as the feathered serpent which Booker let slide to someone he shouldn't have. Apparently they're rare and super magical or something like that.

"Show me yours, I'll show you mine", Roka [insert lineage blurb here] said to Gorbash, who complied. Ixchal was less willing. Especially when the other dragon the first one rode into town with also turned out to be Splugorth-aligned. We really hate those guys.

Someone's also trying to get to Booker's head to get the information about the feathered serpent, so he's currently renting a place in downtown Stormspire, as if someone does something there, there will be hell to pay.

Courtesy of Wednesday 19 February 2020's Rifts roleplaying session.

“We’re so diverse: a human, a dragon and a black guy!”
“… Black guys aren’t human now?!”

“I need more than a Venn diagram now; I need a fucking CSI board.”

GM: “Rifts have so many ways the world is ending, and I’m showing you all of them.”

“I’m not going back to Lone Star.”
“I keep hearing ‘coward’ ringing in my ear …”

GM: “Milan’s not there anymore.”
Player: “Didn’t we kill him?”
GM: “Yes, you did. Meanies.”

Roka: “My name is Roka, blah blah blah …”
GM: “… I really ought to write this down.”
Player: “‘Blah blah’ is fine. They don’t live long enough for it to matter anyway.”

Booker: “My dragon-murdering sense is tingling! See? Tingling!”

Player: “I need to purchase a few fusion blocks …”
GM: “Sorry, we’re out. They’re not weapons.”
Player: “I wasn’t going to use them for that. I was looking at doing some constructive demolition …”

To be continued!