
We are NOT becoming the Columbos!

So, here's what happened. We have that Gamma World game run every month or so. The February session was cancelled because people weren't feeling well. It was rescheduled to the end of March, and by that time we were in lockdown and decided to get together over Discord instead. Because reasons we decided to put the Gamma World game into hiatus for now, and maybe get back to it when the world appears slightly more normal than it does at present.

Question was then what to do instead, as we still fancied roleplaying. Our Gamma World GM had an idea for a gangster Vampire: The Masquerade game set in 1920s New York. "Gangster vampires, eh?" said the players and so it was decided on as an idea. I've never played this game before, but the other two players suggested we all play newly turned vampires so that they would both be as clueless in-game about the specifics as I am in real life. (Read: part of my struggles with some games we've played before is that everyone knows the setting extremely well except for me, so I feel left behind when I don't know stuff everyone else takes for granted, and it means I don't enjoy playing.)

Plus, who can resist 1920s New York gangsters who turn into vampires? RIGHT?!

Having decided this is what we were going to do, and the other players saying I'm allowed to tell them off if they start to go over my head with their combined decades of experience, we tried to figure out what characters to play and how they'd fit together, and what their family name would be. We ended by having decided not to be relatives of Detective Columbo, but to be of the Mangano family, of Italian-American mobster fame, and were left generating our characters as homework before the next session.

How often we're going to play remains to be seen.

Courtesy of Saturday 28 March 2020's Vampire: The Masquerade planning session.

Vampire the Masquerade text logo

“I don’t forgive. I’m very Old Testament in that way.”

“I think I’ll be fine, I didn’t have a social life even before this.”

“I can’t believe you’re having trouble finding drugs in Nottingham! It’s like downtown LA!”

“Unless orcs came around and orced everywhere.”

“Colombo’s actually on there. We could be the Colombo family!”
“No! Don’t make me rage quit a game before we’ve started!”

“There is actually a Colombo crime family in real life.”

“We’re not using Costa. I can’t deal with the coffee puns.”

“How about Profaci?”
“Don’t like it.”
“It later becomes Colombo.”
“Nice try, dude.”

To be continued!