
So you come from a land Down Under

We're going on an adventure down under! No, not Australia - Menzoberranzan! We're trying to get down to the entrance to Faerûn's world engine and hopefully Bahamut will let us in. But first, we'll have to traverse a number of traps put in place by Lolth. But she's our friend ally now, so that should count for something, right?

We came to a trapped tower on an island in a lake and encountered two angels, because of course there had to be sodding ANGELS. Well, now there are no angels. Yay us!

Not that we're not still battling to get to where we're going, though. There's a yellow brick road and a sign saying to keep off the grass and everything.

Bahamut is in a bad shape.

Gunfight at the OK 5th Precinct

Sometimes we have to remember that we aren't just vampires, but also gangsters, and do some gangstering.

Well, first of all Janine is showing herself to be very untrustworthy by sending Frankie a messenger with a fancy bottle of wine. He declined to try it, and he also didn't use the messenger boy as a snack. In fact, he was kind enough to give the kid a bottle of cheap booze as a tip.

Lottie is trying to find a HQ for us, sort of a blood bank perhaps, and maybe it could masquerade (har-har) as a clinic for sailors ... We'll see how that develops.

Anyhoo. Now that we're made men and woman we were going to a meetup of different mob bosses, as some stuff had been going down. Even more stuff started happening. Gunshots. Someone had gunned down a mob boss outside the 5th Precinct, and there was more gunfire about.

The mob bosses at the meet had to be evacuated, and shit would probably rain down on all of us. The speakeasy had the emergency shutdown orders executed, and we strongly suspect one of our NPC cousins to have taken a photo of Lottie's dad from the speakeasy - possibly with a view to kill him and set him up as a fall guy.

What's worse is that our sires seem to know about what's going on here, and we don't like it.

Oh, and there was some frost on the water as we crossed That Bridge again, but hey it's only May, so it's perfectly normal, yeah?

Exorcising the brain fart from hell

Lockdown adventures in post-apocalyptic USA somewhere *motions vaguely to the west* continues. We're heading toward Mexico, as it happens, where the tequila flows freely - we presume. There are no vampires in Mexico, honest guv'na.

Except the ones we keep on finding.

(The sessions 22nd and 29th were cancelled. People still get ill in lockdown, even if it's thankfully not Covid-19 ill.)


An audience with the Prince of New York

The cousins Mangano were summoned to the Prince of New York to be introduced to vampire society. They were very well-behaved. Janine was slightly disappointed Frankie didn't take the bait and ingratiate himself with his elders.

We - Lottie in particular - keep seeing weird stuff going on when we cross the Manhattan (?) bridge. Something's clearly going on there, but what?

Side note: we saved a(n Italian) kid from being beaten by an Irish gang and decided to meddle a bit in a competitor's territory ...

Being unkempt is not a death sentence

Lockdown adventures in Faerûn continues. We're now friends (or at least allies) with Lolth, because we all need more spiders in our pantheons and lives.
