
Exorcising the brain fart from hell

Lockdown adventures in post-apocalyptic USA somewhere *motions vaguely to the west* continues. We're heading toward Mexico, as it happens, where the tequila flows freely - we presume. There are no vampires in Mexico, honest guv'na.

Except the ones we keep on finding.

(The sessions 22nd and 29th were cancelled. People still get ill in lockdown, even if it's thankfully not Covid-19 ill.)


Courtesy of Wednesday 8/15 April 2020's Rifts roleplaying session.

“First dead character, and he isn’t even dead.”

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve got Exorcism.”

“You want to have any goodbye sex before we go?”
“You’re implying I’m not coming back! Hell no!”

“Oh nooo! Brain fart from hell!”

“See guys? Leading us toward plot.”

“You’re not really reassuring, you know that, right?”

“Let’s go vampire-hunting! I mean, rescuing people.”

To be continued!