
So you come from a land Down Under

We're going on an adventure down under! No, not Australia - Menzoberranzan! We're trying to get down to the entrance to Faerûn's world engine and hopefully Bahamut will let us in. But first, we'll have to traverse a number of traps put in place by Lolth. But she's our friend ally now, so that should count for something, right?

We came to a trapped tower on an island in a lake and encountered two angels, because of course there had to be sodding ANGELS. Well, now there are no angels. Yay us!

Not that we're not still battling to get to where we're going, though. There's a yellow brick road and a sign saying to keep off the grass and everything.

Bahamut is in a bad shape.

Courtesy of Monday 4/11 May 2020's Godbound session.

Godbound logo

“If we don’t sort out the problem, this world will end within the year. We haven’t got time.”

“Shall we dance together, fellow puppets?”

“I lean towards the vegetarian vampire …”

GM: “It opens up into a TARDIS-like inside.”
Player: “Hey, it’s bigger on the inside!”

“There are some things I enjoy from that stupid card game, alright? This is one of them!”

“This is all going to get exceedingly exciting.”
“Especially when we all die.”

“You are a noise-cancelling headset.”

“There has to be some semblance of reality to a fantasy game!”

(Everyone rolls really well)
“They’re all the die rolls from earlier that we were missing.”

Elani: “When you say ‘all dragons will die’, do you mean me?”
GM: “And Lolth.”
Elani: “Then I have a vested interest in saving his sorry ass.”

“And if they don’t listen to reason?”
“Then we kill them.”

To be continued!