
Welcome to the minimum damage club

The bigger thing that came out we did some damage to, and then it fell through a hole in the floor along with the other creature. We battled some things and a giant tentacled brain in the middle of the goop pool, until it exploded.

Maybe we should get out of there? Dragging an unconscious Orson along with us (his player couldn't make it, unfortunately) we found a room with lights, and Jetstream picking up said lights made things rotate and all of a sudden the spaceship (yes, we were in a spaceship) decided to start a countdown for take-off. We managed to convince the system to stay put until all the terraforming bits and other things had been recalled. Which happened kind of quickly.

We found an engine room full of what appeared to be weird sex dungeon loot, and the vents in the floor turned out to be exhaust vents. As we had to scarper, we jumped down and fell out in the crater below the spaceship ... and ran for cover, because that thing was taking off!

  • Cecil, a grumpy plastic ladybird toy come to life
  • Gunther von Lunar, a vampire from Unspecified European Country
  • Jetstream, a regenerating speedster who does Science with bowling balls
  • Mr Johnson, a seismic shapeshifter with some very good ideas ... on paper
  • Orson, an unconscious hypercognitive octopoid scientist

Courtesy of Saturday 18 January 2020's Gamma World roleplaying session at The Dice Cup.

Gamma World logo

“The DC films have started to pick up, because they were all a bit meh.”
“Excuse me, Man of Steel wasn’t meh. It was DIRE.”

Jetstream: “If that doesn’t work, I’ll put a bowling ball through the screen.”
GM: “This is a plan with no drawbacks. Go for it.”

Jetstream: “I did Science with a bowling ball!”
GM: “The screen sparks next to you.”
Jetstream: “See?”

GM: “Odds or evens?”
Player: “I’m always a bit odd, and rarely even.”

“Maybe if we stop and start it multiple times, it’ll flood the engine.”
“I see no problems with this!”

“Here, have a berry!”
“Will it help what we’re doing?”

“Can’t believe you left your body unattended.”

“Welcome to the minimum damage club.”

“So the brain explodes?”
“We’re in a scifi film, of course the brain explodes!”

“Oh no. You’ve triggered a boss battle.”

“It critted so hard it became a player character.”

Drone: “You hit me, I’m going to hit you back!”
Gunther: “Sounds fair.”

GM: “It’s the first time someone’s brought a fishing rod to a gun fight.”

To be continued!