
I'm the best support class ever!

It's been a while since we were last on Faerûn with our new gods. Of course, last time we were thrown back out into the world after some time away in the Night Roads and other shenanigans. Our friends were basically gone, and things were looking rather bleak.

Maybe things can be less bleak going forward, because now we have clerics and paladins and rangers, oh my! Basically, because a bunch of gods have died, it seems we're a bit more powerful and if people choose to BUH-LIEVE then they get their powers back that were previously bestowed upon them by other gods. So that's pretty cool. (GM has also said he'll be using this version of Faerûn next time he runs D&D, which means our characters are going to be the gods of the game! Which sounds awesome.)

Tilverton has been taken over by Lolth and her people, so the plan is to go get our pantheon's capital back, thank you very much. We just need to get there first. By way of creating wolf pups and getting attacked by gnolls.

Courtesy of Monday 3 February 2020's Godbound session.

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“Untamed Wild. (snaps fingers) No one messes with MY brain!”

“We need a specific set of skills.”
“We need Liam Neeson?”

Player: “Amaunator and Lysander are the same guy?!”
GM: “Were. Your rolls killed him.”

“It would be fucking difficult to roll a 9 or higher on a d8, wouldn’t it?”

Denethor: “Bloody hell, Falrin made a resort! Cool!”

“I put my hand on his shoulder and say …”
“‘You’ve got this’?”
“No, I’m not American.”

“Mind the candle.”
“It’s okay, I like the smell of bacon.”

Elani: “Ah, this shithole. Didn’t I bite someone here?”

Monday 17 February 2020:

(Elani makes wolf pups and discusses how her special breed of hybrids will go forth and multiply)
GM: “They’ll think ’that’s my sister, that’s wrong’.”
Elani: “Bollocks to that! I’m overruling it!”

“I’m the best support class ever!”

“He’s on his second death, which isn’t as good as second breakfast.”

Elani: “Turn myself into a dog.”
GM: “That doesn’t change ANYTHING.”
Elani: “Definitely shows I’m a bitch.”
GM: “There is that.”

To be continued!