
Can we put this moat on our expenses?

We continue our journey toward Mexico, the land where there are absolutely no vampires whatsoever. Except we found a bunch on the way, like a whole storage warehouse full of coffins. There were talks of constructing a moat and filling it with water, and ... yeah.

There were fewer coffins by the end of it. And then the vampires found us.

Courtesy of Wednesday 6 May 2020's Rifts roleplaying session.

(Water cannon)
“That water cannon is worthy of being bought by Boris Johnson and then never used!”

“Can other creatures become vampires? Like rats …”

“That’s an idea, filling up a moat with a water cannon …”

GM: “I wasn’t expecting a wet-T-shirt thing when we started this.”

“Do vampire movies not exist in this timeline?!”

“How many coffins can we fit in this moat?”

GM: “Welcome to Rifts. You make shit WEIRD.”

“We are in effect doing CSI: Vampire now.”

“I’ve always said Jayson’s a bit of a dish, but I didn’t mean it in THAT way!”

Booker: “Why am I the one talking about diplomacy and Gorbash the one being all Booker?”

“Go with the classic, ‘My name is Inigo Montoya’ …”
“I killed all your people, prepare to die!”

“Would you like some detergent to go with your bold?”
“No, I’ll just inject some disinfectant to cure him of his ills.”

To be continued!