
Does she need all her limbs?

Now armed with another PC in the party - yay! - we seemed to spend a heck of a long time trying to come up with a plan to maybe blow some stuff up and get an imprisoned god (?) from the ruins, and then that was decided against or something. It all got very jumbled up by the end of it that I lost track completely, and let's just say we're going to spend next session battling it out. Possibly in a Leeeeeeroy Jenkins style, because the Juicer might get bored with all the planning.

Courtesy of Wednesday 20 May 2020's Rifts roleplaying session.

“Am I supposed to be helping here?”

“I thought his name was Hey Old Guy.”
“I was going to call him Magic Dude, but sure.”

“Let’s call the wizard Tim.”

“He’s carrying a gunblade.”
“So, basically a gun with a bayonet?”
“No, it’s a gun with a 2.5 foot blade on the end of it.”
“Soooo … definitely bayonet-y.”

Player 1: “It sounds like you’re getting us into an ambush.”
GM: “Would I ever?”
Player 2: “Maybe a little?”

Maria: “So I’m a professional girlfriend and magic battery.”

Booker: “Can you give me ONE silver lining, Gorbash?!”
Gorbash: “No.”

“The dice gods are with us this evening. Thank you.”

Player: “Do any of you carry any explosives?”
GM: “Oh no, not another plan involving explosives!”

“We’re not turning all that stone into flesh! Turn that plan away!”

“Does she need all her limbs?”
“She’s a god, she can re-grow them, right?”

“I like how you’re trying to pass the buck here, but it’s clear it’s not gonna fly.”

“I can’t believe we waited the whole session to come up with a Juicer plan!”

GM: “If you hadn’t figured it out, it’s going to be a battle session next week.”
Player (sarcastically): “Nooooo.”

To be continued!