
We're going to Chicken Pizza!

So, ahem, I think I may have been slightly distracted here, because my notes literally say "we do a robbery?" (someone died, and we feel bad about it ... I think) and then mentions something about a pig truck and aligning with a good goddess whose name I can't remember. The interesting thing to note here is that Hecate was willing to let go of Booker, provided he do her a favour (it was finding someone and/or killing them?) and in turn he got to swear fealty to this new goddess that we had just helped.

Maria was happy to receive swords from Gorbash. He treats his professional girlfriend quite well, it seems! The second session I didn't make memory notes for, so ... someone who is not me might have a functioning memory in order to recall what we were actually doing.

Courtesy of Wednesday 3/17 June 2020's Rifts roleplaying session.

GM: “What’s it called? Chichen Itza.”
Player 1: “Chicken pizza?”
Player 2: “Well, that’s what it’ll be called now!”

“He sparkles? Vampire! Kill him!”
“Vampires do not sparkle. That’s a myth.”
“They do if you throw glitter at them.”

“Can we have a party to celebrate our victory? … I’m not hearing anyone saying no …”

“I disapprove … but approve.”

“Aaaawww! Going steady swords!”

Gorbash: “Why aren’t you two, and the other two people in the city, just food?”

“RPG boyfriends are so much better than real-life boyfriends!”

“Think Twilight.”
“Do I have to?”

“To my credit I haven’t betrayed anyone in nine months!”

Player: “We need someone who isn’t a psychopath to talk to them.”
GM: “So you’re screwed, then.”

Booker: “I like my bike … and Jayson’s attached to his horse.”
Jayson: “Figuratively.”

GM: “I give you this evil god and you can do all the evil stuff you like, and the moment she’s replaced you want to do all these evil things!”

“It was for the greater good, I’m sure.”
“Standard paladin excuse if ever there was one!”

To be continued!