
Did we win?

So, we were faced with a number of creepy evil clowns and then a big octopus monster thing and creepy Walt Disney type dude? I may have got my notes and memories a little scrambled. We take it down, the deadland becomes ... not so bad any more?

Going back to the people we were trying to save and the town to tell them of our progress, Vince accidentally chatted up a widow by botching his pheromone roll. She was planning on dumping her kid and coming with us ... but um, we got the heck out of there. Because ain't nobody got time for that. He was very sad about it, it was touching. But at least he got laid, eh? ;)

Courtesy of Monday 8 August 2020's Deadlands: Hell on Earth session.

(suggesting what to play next week)
“We’re prepping for a TPK now, aren’t we?”

“Okay, I’ll go second, but I’ll blame you if it goes wrong.”
“Yes, blame him!”

“I don’t think a tetanus shot is going to matter at the end of this adventure.”

“Did we win?”

“I need you to prove this really happened by removing the figure off the board or flipping it over accordingly.”

“Next time I’ll remove Forsaken.”
“Next time? That’s very presumptuous of you.”

“I have 2d4 Persuasion.”
“Wow, you’re VERY persuasive, sir!”

“Is this the equivalent of botching and instead of hitting the orc you caress it?”

“A male presence is clearly everything that’s needed for a family to function.”
“You didn’t know this?!”

“My name is Vincent, why do I keep calling myself Victor?”
“You’re trying to get into witness protection?”

To be continued at some point!