
I'll pretend I didn't just Google that

There was a lot angst, angst and more angst in this session, because of the thing we learned the previous session and how we couldn't discuss it with Julius. On the plus side, Frankie's BFF Benny got to make his first appearance!

We talked to Julius about our weird chaos dreams. Turns out Lottie is having Norse mythology dreams, Val is having Greek mythology dreams, and Frankie Egyptian mythology. We were advised to keep the dreams going as long as possible to learn as much as possible.

Lottie and Val went to place a call at a phone box, which was essentially the two of them arguing for half-hour IRL. After which, we cut to another half-hour of Julius and Frankie having a chat involving discussing if relatives of vampires are somehow protected by default - because Frankie would be very concerned about the Manganos obviously and it totally has nothing at all to do with those two ghouled relatives of Julius Charlotte showed us last session. No way, no how, no siree. #smooth Then they awkwardly had a talk about ghouls in general (because of Benny), and being in love with Angela - at which point Julius botched a roll and somehow got the impression that Lottie and Angela were lesbian lovers?!?

Courtesy of Saturday 5 July 2020's Vampire: The Masquerade session.

Vampire the Masquerade text logo

“It would be awesome if Elindra turned up and murdered everyone. I’d be willing to pay!”

“You want us to be Italian?”
“We already are!”

GM: “When have I ever treated someone’s character poorly?”

GM: “He has whip marks on his back …”
Player: “I’m not planning on seeing him topless!”

Player: “I just want to get through the night without anyone dying.”
GM: “It’s great that you want that.”

GM: “Frankie sez – ‘Sup, motherfucker – I’m a vampire! – Bite - And now you’re my junkie thrall. Go make me a sandwich! Using blood. Somehow’.”

GM: “The place is a little dead tonight.”
Player: “So are we!”

Val: “Let’s assume I understand a half and a quarter of what you just said to me.”

Frankie: “Ben Ben? Ain’t that a place in England?”
Player: “He’s lovely, but he’s not smart.”

“Some people are great at pretending to be stupid, some are just genuinely not that bright. – Sorry Frankie! He’ll have WORDS with me later.”

GM: “Shh, I’m whispering. You can’t hear me.”

GM: “Frankie is the most prudent of the three of you.”
Frankie’s player: “I’ll pretend I didn’t Google the definition of that word.”

Lottie: “You guys have been dating for as long as I can remember. Especially you, Val.”
Player: “Oh no, don’t ask Val for relationship advice!”

GM: “Everyone is taking their Sire’s side, I love it.”
Frankie: “Not me! Jeanine can go fuck herself!”

Lottie: “So if Vinnie told you to shoot me or Frankie, you’d do it?”
Val: “No! I’d shoot Vinnie and hide the body!”

“He doesn’t trust his parents?!”
“He hasn’t even named them!”

“Ask him how you get an erection!”
“NO! Don’t ask him that question to the guy who’s just fucked his baby girl sister!!!”

“So, it’s not because I’m significant that I got turned, but because I’m insignificant. Lovely.”

(about ghouling Angela)
Frankie: “I got her a really nice bottle of wine too.”
Julius: (makes social roll, botches, completely misunderstands and thinks Lottie and Angela are lesbian lovers)
Frankie (confused): “WHAT?!”
GM: “You botch, you botch.”

Lottie: “Apparently neither of my cousins can have a non-awks conversation with my beloved.”

“Is this the time to say that Julius has a werewolf girlfriend and doesn’t consider it cheating?”
“That’s adorable! I’ll kill her.”

GM (Julius & Lottie at the end of the night): “Creak. Creak. Creak.”
Player: “You could always name the blood wine Julius Creek. It’s very popular.”
GM: “You lose an XP for that.”

Frankie: “Ey Val, you spendin’ Christmas with us?”
Val: “We might not be alive then.”
Player: “Cheerful. We have plans to go ice-skating in Prospect Park! We’re planning on living!”

“She keeps him around because she needs a beard. Something Val’s dad knows all about!”

“As long as she doesn’t sing Bryan Adams at me, I’ll be okay. She did a credible Cyndi Lauper, but Bryan Adams wasn’t her strong suit.”

To be continued!