
We know it's corrupted

There was an icky axe-a-mole thing in the arcade. I mean, everything about this place is icky and creepy, but ... y'know. We found a guy. We went into the Enchanted Wood, where we went past a creepy picnic (which we ignored, yay us) to find a shed in the woods.

There was an animatronic werewolf attacking us, because for some reason we were the three little piggies and we got out of the shed just before it collapsed? Being in a deadland is not recommended, by the way. You easily get damaged - as Vince can confirm.

Courtesy of Monday 20 July 2020's Deadlands: Hell on Earth session.

“You don’t have to put so many ‘beautiful’ in there, we know it’s corrupted.”

“My curiosity is getting the better of me.”

“You want to check the arcade? Are you INSANE?”
“I willingly walked into a deadland. I can’t be that sane.”

“We’re not insane. Correction: we’re not medically insane.”

“Octopus’ Garden sounds like it’ll have tentacles.”

Player: “I think the GM wants us to go through the middle.”
GM: “It’s up to you. Not everyone needs to survive.”

GM: “It’s a horrific scene. It’s the benefit of having Keen! You get to see this.”

“You take the lead. Show us where we need to be terrified.”

“How does a normal group deal with these things?”

To be continued!