
Oh no, you're not!

We're back in Davokar, where we left off. Erdugald is about to shift again, so we really ought to get a move on. Especially as the stones covering the hole in the ground with the murder hornets will go with it ...

The party is promptly attacked by ice trolls (dicks!) when a barbarian girl with a pet kotka show up. The kotka's name is Yahana. The barbarian girl introduces herself as Deadorna ... who was formerly known as Rilia of House Vesuvion ... a.k.a. Murmei's younger sister ...

Then there was an elf asking us to find someone in a camp, where someone rushed in shouting "he's dead!"

Courtesy of Wednesday 1 July 2020's Symbaroum session.

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“What’s the potion called that’s made with lily of the valley?”

GM: “Any particular death order you’re travelling in? Sorry, party order, I mean.”

“For goodness sake, Murmei, it’s me!”
“No, it isn’t!”

Deadorna: “I can’t believe you’d believe her! … Actually, no, I CAN believe that.”

Murmei: “That’s why I’m in the forest! Because you can’t marry someone who’s in the forest!”

Murmei: “Being dead doesn’t necessarily stop someone.”
Elindra: “I had to decapitate a sorcerer once. Didn’t stop him coming back to try to fucking kill me.”

Valgai: “The young girl’s asking to be beaten, correct?”

GM: “Some people might find Hairy Dog makes them scared and agitated.
Player (sarcastic): “NO!”
Elindra: “I’m wondering if this is a good time FOR people to be scared and agitated.”

To be continued!